Reservation | Rock Islad Tour Company (RITC)

Reservation Form

Book online and get 5% OFF from the tour price! (Charter tours are excluded)

Please fill in all required areas and submit your reservation form. After submitting, you will receive an E-mail from us within 2-3 days in addition to the automatic reply mail.

*Please note that online reservations must be completed 2 days before your arrival to Palau in order to receive the 5% discount.

Name of 1st Tourrequired
Date of 1st Tour (1st choice)Required               
Date of 1st Tour (2nd choice)Reqire
Name of 2nd Tour
Date of 2nd Tour(1st choice)     
Date of 2nd Tour (2nd choice)
Name of 3rd Tour
Date of 3rd Tour (1st choice)     
Date of 3rd Tour (2nd choice)
Passport NameRequire
Date of Arrival PalauRequire
Date of Departure from PalauRequire
Hotel Require
Email Address Require

※Emails from RITC will be sent from the domain "" Please set this as a trusted domain and check your spam folder regularly.

Number of Participants Require Male(12 yeas & above)
Female (12 yeas & above)
Children(3 to 11 years old)
Indants 2 years and below
Permit arrangements Require Rock Island Permit
Jelly Fish Permit
Fishing Permit

*If you have children in your group, please let us know their ages.

$('input[name="your_zipcode[data][0]"]').jpostal({ postcode : [ 'input[name="your_zipcode[data][0]"]', 'input[name="your_zipcode[data][1]"]' ], address : { 'input[name="your_address"]' : '%3%4%5' } });

Not Receiving Emails?

Please check your spam folder or change your account settings so that you can receive E-mails from【】.

If you do not receive a reply after 3 days, please resend your form again.
If you have already received an automatic reply mail, please try using another Email address to resend.

* Please check Here for our Privacy Policy.


Cancellation Policy

-Before 5:00PM before the day of the tour: No Cancellation Fee

-After 5:00PM before the day of the tour: 50%

-On the day of the tour or without prior notice: 100%

-Permits which has been already issued must be fully paid

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